…how on earth do I get an awesome
affordable website for my small business?!

A professional WordPress website service from start to finish

Are you totally overwhelmed and not sure where to start with your website?

We’ll take care of everything including:

registering a domain name, web hosting & connecting it all

help you choose a web design that’s right for your business! Completed within 1 week

you’ll also receive 1-1 video training over zoom where I will introduce you to your website,
show you how it use it and answer any questions you may have!

You’ll also receive full access to our website training portal and resources.

Small Business Website Package

Includes Standard Web Pages

  • Home
  • Blog
  • Contact page
  • Privacy policy
  • Terms and policies

+ Choose Up To 3 Specific Web Pages

  • About
  • Coaching
  • Classes & Training
  • Events
  • Pricing
  • Services
  • Testimonials
  • Workshops
  • Work with me
  • Page of your choice

Curious Which Website Service is Right for You?

There are not enough thanks in the world to give you for helping me out! 
I initially got wordpress last year, I had NO IDEA what I was doing.
I was completely lost. You have literally saved me from that fog of confusion that often shrouds a novice like me!” –Hadassah

What’s Included

Creating a mobile responsive professional WordPress website for your business, with up to 8 pages.

Registering a new domain name and hosting (for 1 year $120 value) under your name with our recommended host siteground

Create a professional email address for your business such as “”

Source three themes based on your niche to select from. You choose the web design you prefer and we will install and set up your chosen theme. We will create 8 pages including trendy marketing pages. 

Receive a one hour 1-1 video training over zoom where we will show you how to add your text, images and answer any questions you may have.

Recieve full access to our website training portal and resources.

What’s Not

This affordable website service does not include custom design, changes to a theme, web development or coding.

This service is not for businesses who have already registered a domain name (as we won’t be able to access your account to sync the initial domain, hosting, WordPress on your behalf)
We recommend instead our Install Service or Small Business Website Package

This service does not include adding an online store, e-commerce functionality or adding your products. 

Kindly note we will not add any of your text, images or update the colours or fonts (but we will show you how you can do this yourself during our 1-1 training!)

This service does not include small business SEO
(although we would like to offer an upgrade for this shortly)


Here’s How It Works

Step 1 - Book Your Website Service

Click buy now and proceed to payment to confirm your service booking. Email us a few details and we’ll proceed with registering your domain, hosting and professional email address.

Step 2 - We'll take care of it all

We’ll help you choose your website design based on your business niche and select 3 themes for you to select from. Then we will install wordpress, the theme and create an 8 page mobile responsive professional website.

Step 3 - delivery & training

We’ll then schedual a 1-1 video training over zoom (for up to an hour) where I will introduce you to your website, show you how to add your text, images and answer any questions you may have.

Ready To Get Started

Booking are currently full for this round
Sign up to get notified for the next avaliability

Hi there! I’m the founder of Studio Spark, specialising in WordPress and eCommerce. All of our website products and services exist to empower small business owners to quickly and easily create a stand-out website quickly and without speading thousands!